Career resources FOR STUDENTS
Career and Professional Development [CPD] provides Virginia Tech students and recent graduates with an array of career preparation resources and guidance. Career preparation and planning are an ongoing process throughout your university career, not a single action. You can explore topics below, see FAQs, and search for topics on your mind. You are encouraged to seeking our guidance through advising.
Career Pathways
Because the world of work is organized by industries, not college major, we are using a destination-oriented approach to help you with career preparation.
Explore self, careers, and majors
Still deciding your career pathway: Explore and research careers, do self-assessment of your interests, skills, values, personality, and strengths. Find the fit to set career goals.
Experience during college
Learn about programs and ways to get experience including internships, co-ops, campus internships, Peer Career Advisor program, and more.
Professional competencies
Studies show students are confident in their career readiness skills, but employers say students and new grads come to work lacking many workplace expectations. Take initiative before you go to an internship or post-grad job.
Job and internship search SOURCES
Plan for graduate or professional school
General ItemIris professional photo booth
Students and recent graduates can make an appointment to get a free professional photo to use on your LinkedIn profile (not on your resume!).