Applying for internships and other experience

Applying for opportunities is a process. Each employer will specify what is required, such as an application, resume, and cover letter, and how the employer will conduct screening interview with candidates, which could include interviews by phone, by Zoom, and in person.
Prepare for the steps in the process. Learn about the tools and skills you need. Take advantage of our resources for you:
Tools and skills:
- Resume guide including information about employer Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and what you need to know to have an ATS-compatible resume.
- Cover letters and other job search correspondence
- Interviewing skills guide
- Networking and using LinkedIn
- Dining etiquette - be ready if interviews include meals and expectations for standards of conduct.
- More, including email use, handshakes, attire, in our job and internship search guide
- Workshops to learn more about the Cooperative Education and Internship Program.
- Our events page includes workshops to help you with search skills and process.
- Advising appointments (regular and mini-appointments) are available for resume reviews, cover letter reviews, how to use resources, and customizing your search.
- Practice interviews.
> Applying