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Interview Prep: web-based practice interview platform

Formerly called InterviewStream until summer 2022

graphic logo for Interview Prep, a tool for doing practice interviews online.  (formerly called InterviewStream)

October 31, 2024, is the last day Interview Prep will be available. We are onboarding another vendor product for students to use for online practice interviews. Details will be provided when that tool is ready for use.

Why use Interview Prep for practice interviews?

  • It's available 24/7 to all Virginia Tech students, employees, and alumni.
  • It has a "like" and "um" counter.
  • You can choose the questions you'll be asked.
  • You can save your interview to view later.
  • You can ask others to give you feedback on your interview; you can send a link so they can watch your interview.
  • Interview Prep login.

More about Interview Prep

Interview Prep (formerly InterviewStream) is a web-based practice interview program to assist you in preparing for interviews. You could be preparing for an interview for an internship, a scholarship, a post-graduation job, or for graduate or professional school admission. It is a simple, fun, and effective way to refine and master your interviewing skills. This program has been offered by Career and Professional Development since the start of spring semester 2010.

  • Anyone with a Virginia Tech email address. 
  • In about 30 minutes you can get logged in, follow some basic steps to do a general interview, record your responses to interview questions and review your responses. 
  • Time will vary among users because you have the opportunity to:
    • Re-try responses, save or delete responses.
    • Select from a detailed menu of questions (instead of using a general interview).
    • Stop any time, and log in later to finish an interview.
    • Use other resources on the Dashboard, including tips and webinars.
  • Yes. You can save responses and review them later.
  • You can choose different interview questions or repeat a set you already used.

A detailed tutorial is in Interview Prep; select "tutorial" in the user dashboard.

Three easy steps to InterviewStream: After you log in:

  1. Choose interview set: Pick your interview set or create your own interview from a list of over 1500 questions.
  2. Conduct practice interview: Conduct your interview with any webcam, any MAC, any PC, anywhere, anytime. The video interviewer will ask the first question, then the webcam begins recording. Mouse-click to stop recording. Review, retry, or continue to the next question.
  3. Watch and share with others: Click a question to review a response. Review it with a friend or professor or career advisor. You'll also have the opportunity to count your filler words ("umm," "like," "you know!")
  • Take advantage of all components on the User Dashboard, which includes interview tips and a webinar on strategies and tactics to succeed in the interview process.
  • You can schedule an appointment to have a Career and Professional Development advisor review your web-based interview with you. Once scheduled, you must email the advisor the link to your interview so s/he can be ready for your appointment.
  • You can also give review access to others: faculty members who have assigned a practice interview, advisors, friends, etc. It's a simple matter of emailing that person while you are in Interview Prep; of course you should ask that person's permission in advance.
  • No. Interview Prep is one option that Career and Professional Development offers. If you want to follow up your web-based practice interview by having a practice interview appointment, you can do so. You can learn more about practice interview options.
  • Of course Interview Prep is available to use 24/7/365, while practice interview appointments are scheduled during business hours.

Thanks to our sponsor:

Interview Prep is currently sponsored by InsightGlobal. Learn more about sponsorship opportunities.

Important note: Career and Professional Development does not require anyone to use this service. This is a service we provide to the Virginia Tech community. Anyone with a Virginia Tech email address may use this service; so students, employees, and alumni may choose to use this service.