Student opportunities to work in Career and Professional Development
- We offer four ways for students to acquire para-professional experience and learn through working in Career and Professional Development (CPD).
- There are two opportunities for undergraduate students currently enrolled at Virginia Tech.
- There are two opportunities for graduate students.
- All students who assist in our operations and services are highly valued members of the Career and Professional Development team, all receive training, all participate in professional development opportunities, and all acquire resume-building experience.
Opportunities for currently enrolled undergraduate students:
Peer Career Advisor (PCA) Program
- Main responsibilities include advising, outreach and education, and programming assistance.
- Open to first- and second-year Virginia Tech students. Application and hiring occur in fall semester; training occurs spring semester; PCAs work the following fall and spring semesters, for a three-semester commitment of part-time work. Opportunity to continue beyond that.
- PCAs are paid for training and work hours.
Part-time employment for undergraduates
- Work with our professional staff in employer relations, reception desk, Health Professions Advising, and other areas.
- Open to students eligible for Federal Work Study (FWS), administered by the Financial Aid office at Virginia Tech; see those links for information. (CPD has no authority over FWS.)
- Work fall and spring semesters. Open positions posted in Handshake.
- Paid positions, funded through FWS.
Opportunities for graduate students:
Graduate assistantship (GA) position
- Open to a Virginia Tech master's level student in the Higher Education or Counselor Education program, with interest in a career in college student services, advising, or human resources.
- Fall through spring semester.
- Work 20 hours per week.
- Paid position.
Graduate practica and internships
- Open to graduate students from Virginia Tech and other institutions.
- Typically one semester; duration and hours per week depend on the requirements of the graduate program for a work experience in a professional environment.
- Unpaid experience.