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Should I pay someone to write my resume?

We're not going to tell you that you can't spend your money. But why do you need to? Your resume needs to be owned by you. You are the best qualified person to make statements about your background, experience and knowledge.

You will need to revise your resume as you apply for different internships and jobs and as you acquire more experience to add to your resume. Do you want to pay someone to do all that? There is plenty of free advice, and as a student, we in Career and Professional Development are your service to advise you. We don't write your resume for you. We do help you express your voice and understand how to tailor your resume for different jobs. 

If you're paying someone, how do you know you are receiving good advice or quality? (This writer/advisor viewed a resume that a student paid to have developed and it contained typos. Ouch.) If someone else writes your resume and an employer asks you for more detail about an item on your resume or what a particular statement means, can you answer those questions well if you didn't write your own resume?

Bottom line is our view is that you don't need to; it won't necessarily save you time; and it may not produce the best result. Your resume is a reflection of you; own it and be the author.