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Career and internship advisors in colleges

In addition to advisors in Career and Professional Development, colleges and majors often provide career and internship advisors for students:

  • Academic departments and colleges have advisors — faculty and staff — who assist students related to career planning, internships, field study, and co-ops. Each academic department and each college determines how it handles advising, so you might have multiple advisors. You might have advisors in both your college and your major department. Your career advisor might be the same as your academic advisor, or there might be different advisors helping you with those topics.
  • If you are deciding on majors, the advisors for those majors are there to help you be successful in your decision-making process.
  • If your major department offers or requires a field study, there will be an advisor to consult for field study. Your major department might have a specific internship advisor. If students in your major enroll in cooperative education (co-op), there will be an advisor in your department to consult for your co-op plan.
  • Explore the information the university provides about majors that interest you. You will find important information, including how to contact advisors, whom to contact for what, and career information provided by your college and major.

Undergraduate advising information provided by each college on the college websites:

College Undergraduate advising webpage
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Advising contacts for each department / major.
College of Architecture, Arts, and Design Advising and directory for undergraduates
Pamplin College of Business Undergraduate career advising
College of Engineering Undergraduate advising
College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Academic and career advising by major
College of Natural Resources and Environment Advising center
College of Science Undergraduate student advising for the college and for majors


Virginia Tech undergraduate majors:

Pre-professional advising:
For professions requiring education beyond the bachelor's degree.

For graduate students: 

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