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Advising data

Graphics above are highlights from multi-year data through 2023-2024.

Career and Professional Development advising data:

Single year:

2023-2024 advising data


  • Data year is May 16, 2023, to May 15, 2024.
  • All information is subject to correction and updating. Percentages might not sum to 100 due to rounding.
  • Data tables include enrollment data from university data commons to give context to advising counts.

Advising main topics by college and advisee type:

  • View 2023-2024 CPD advising data (pdf) (updated 5/30/24) which includes tables of advising main topic for:
    • All advisees (students, alumni, and others).
    • Undergraduate students by college and total university.
    • Graduate students by college and total university.
    • Alumni by college and total university.

Undergraduate advising contacts main topic summary:

  • 45% seeking experience during college.
  • 17% seeking post-graduation employment.
  • 16% Health Professions Advising (HPA).
  • 15% career-major exploration.
  • 4% planning for continuing education other than health professions.
  • 3% not indicated by advisor.

2022-2023 advising data


  • Data year is May 16, 2022, to May 15, 2023.
  • All information is subject to correction and updating. Percentages might not sum to 100 due to rounding.
  • Data tables include enrollment data from university data commons to give context to advising counts.

Advising main topics by college and advisee type:

  • View 2022-2023 CPD advising data (pdf) (updated 5/28/23) which includes tables of advising main topic for:
    • All advisees (students, alumni, and others).
    • Undergraduate students by college and total university.
    • Graduate students by college and total university.
    • Alumni by college and total university.

Undergraduate advising contacts main topic summary:

  • 48% seeking experience during college.
  • 14% seeking post-graduation employment.
  • 12% Health Professions Advising (HPA).
  • 14% career-major exploration.
  • 5% planning for continuing education other than health professions.
  • 8% not known.

Undergraduate advising contacts percentages by college and enrollment:

  • Shown in bar graph image and table format below.
College 2022-2023 percentage of undergraduate enrollment 2022-2023 percentage of CPD advising contacts
University Studies 1% 0%
Agriculture and Life Sciences 10% 13%
Architecture, Arts, and Design 5% 3%
Business 18% 17%
Engineering 32% 25%
Liberal Arts and Human Sciences 14% 14%
Natural Resources and Environment 3% 3%
Science 16% 24%
Veterinary Medicine 1% 1%

2021-2022 advising data


  • Data year is May 16, 2021, to May 15, 2022.
  • Data tables include enrollment data from university data commons to give context to advising counts.
  • All information is subject to correction and updating.

Advising main topics by college and advisee type:

  • View 2021-2022 CPD advising data (pdf) (updated 5/26/22) which includes tables of advising main topic for:
    • All advisees (students, alumni, and others).
    • Undergraduate students by college and total university.
    • Graduate students by college and total university.
    • Alumni by college and total university.

Undergraduate advising contacts main topic summary:

  • 55% seeking experience during college.
  • 12% seeking post-graduation employment.
  • 11% Health Professions Advising (HPA).
  • 7% career-major exploration.
  • 5% planning for continuing education other than health professions.
  • 10% not known.

2020-2021 advising data


  • Data year is May 16, 2020, to May 15, 2021.
  • Data tables include enrollment data (from university data commons) to give context to advising counts.

Advising main topics by college and advisee type:

Main advising topics highlights:

  • Undergraduate students:
    • 48% seeking experience.
    • 22% post-graduation employment.
  • Graduate students:
    • 69% seeking post-graduation employment.
    • 26% seeking experience.


CPD advising by level and colleges | 2022-2023 and prior:

CPD advising of undergraduates by main topic | six years, 2022-2023 and prior:

Seeking experience comprises half or more of CPD undergraduate advising contacts.

  • View chart multi-year undergraduate advising contact percentages by main topic (pdf).
  • Highlights:
    • 48-56% seeking experience.
    • 7-14% exploring self, careers and majors.
    • 12-22% seeking post-graduation employment.
    • 11-18% Health Professions Advising (HPA): preparing for admission to professional school for a health career such as medicine, dentistry and other health professions.
    • 3-5% planning for continuing education other than health professions.
Percentage of undergraduate advising contacts by main topic 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
Career-major exploration 14% 10% 11% 8% 7% 14%
Seeking experience during college 54% 56% 52% 48% 55% 48%
Post-grad employment 14% 18% 20% 22% 12% 14%
Continuing education non-HPA 4% 3% 4% 4% 5% 5%
Health Professions Advising HPA 13% 13% 13% 18% 11% 12%
No topic recorded -- -- -- -- 10% 8%

Data in bar chart below also shown in table above.

CPD advising of undergraduates by main topic is detailed in the table below.

Multi-year advising main topic percentages shown in table format above.

Undergraduate advising and enrollment percentages by college

Data in single-year image charts below viewable in multi-year table format.

by college, percentages of undergrad enrollment and CPD advising contacts

Undergraduate and graduate-professional students as percentages of Virginia Tech enrollment and CPD student advising contacts

  • View data tables, five years, 2022-2023 and prior, undergraduate and graduate+professional students:
  • Graduate students have increased as percentage of Virginia Tech enrollment, from 15% in 2018-2019, to 20% in 2021-2022 and 2022-2023.
  • Undergraduate students represent a slightly higher percentage of CPD student advisees as compared to their percentage of Virginia Tech enrollment.
  • Note these are percentages of enrolled student advisees, and therefore do not include alumni because they are not enrolled.
  • Each year we advise some alumni, and a small number of individuals who are neither students nor alumni.
    In 2021-2022, 7% of all advisees were not currently-enrolled students.
    In 2022-2023, 11% of advisees were alumni.
Student percentage of Virginia Tech enrollment and CPD student advisees 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
Undergrad student percentage of Virginia Tech enrollment 85% 86% 81% 80% 80%
Undergrad student percentage of CPD student advisees 93% 91% 91% 87% 88%
Grad and professional student percentage of Virginia Tech enrollment 15% 14% 19% 20% 20%
Grad and professionalstudent percentage of CPD student advisees 7% 9% 9% 13% 12%